SENSACIONAL!!! - Influências de Danzig, GG Allin, Dwarves...
Fuck You From Hell Demo (xxxx)

Whore (1999)

In the Dumpster, Behind the Clinic & The Midnight Dejection Sessions & 3 days she bled, 3 days I bathed (2000)

Alabama Blood Bath (2002)

The Beast With Two Backs (2003)

Battle Hymns 1 (2004)

Curse Arcanum (2004)

Battle Hymns II (2005)

Soulless (2005)

Book of Rats (2007)

Fist of Fury (2007)

Fist of Love (2007)

Unameable (2007)

Shit Blood Demos (2007)

Slow Motion Rape: An Acoustic Nightmare (2007)

Tales of a Butcher (2008)

The Ancient Enemy (2008)

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